El Director del Southeast US Polio Challenge, PDG Robert Hall, nos recuerda el Concurso de Recaudación de Fondos para Polio Plus y nos ofrece los detalles del mismo.


I want to remind you of the polio eradication community awareness fundraiser contest announced in my earlier July email.  Here are the specifics. 

·        Winners are the clubs voted the best 3 polio eradication community awareness fundraising projects

·        Project makes the community aware of why Rotary is eradicating the world of polio

·        Project raises significant $ for Polio Plus

·        District must give 10% of rollover DDF (see attachment)

·        30,000 recognition points to the district - you can recognize the best 3 clubs or whatever you want to do

·        Judges are you: DG, DRFC, PPC

·        Winners with description and pictures of their projects will be published

·        End date for project is March 31, 2011

I look forward to hearing of your projects.  Let me know if you have any questions.


PDG Robert Hall

Southeast US Polio Challenge Chair